Deadly download speeds

Deadly download speeds.

I see there are topics relating to recent download speeds, but I see no resolution.

Until quite recent;y all was well. Suddenly, a few months ago, nightly and main downloads became so slow I was being quoted not minute, not hours, but days to download. With speeds from <10Kbs to 0Kbs.

Also, when I did eventually secure 5.1.5 I find that my existing, previously working, simulations no longer work.

Does anyone know if there is a resolution to this?

Thanks in advance.


There have been 3 releases of 5.1.5, which do you have?
I think that your ISP has a peering problem, the main server has been fairly fast this year

I have (5.1.5)-3

The horrendously slow DL relates to Nightlies. It seems the main DL is not so affected.

Trying (several times over quite a long period of time) Nightlies returns DL times measured in days?

Didn’t use to - but now it does every time I try?

Thanls for your response.


5.1 branch or Main (pre V6) Nightlies?
I fetch 5.1 branch full every few days in Malaysia

I’m not sure if these nightlies are pre v6 or not.

My speed here is well into the Megs/s. It only seems to be the KiCAD DL site that has this awful DL speed, elseware all seems well?

I lived in KL for a year a few years ago and web access was good then, better perhaps than I got at home in the UK?

Thank heaps,


There is a light version for the windows nightlies that does not include the 3d model libs. For linux the 3d models are in separate packages. So if you have a slow connection choose the option without libs and possibly get the libs directly via git from github (that way you only need to download deltas)

Hi Rene, thanks for your reply.

I don’t have a slow connection, all is as it has always been. The only issue I have is with downloading the KiCAD nightlies. In affet, they don’t download, or if they do, it’s at <10Kbs, sometimes <5Kbs or indeed not at all?

I don’t understand why this should suddenly happen.



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