I see there are topics relating to recent download speeds, but I see no resolution.
Until quite recent;y all was well. Suddenly, a few months ago, nightly and main downloads became so slow I was being quoted not minute, not hours, but days to download. With speeds from <10Kbs to 0Kbs.
Also, when I did eventually secure 5.1.5 I find that my existing, previously working, simulations no longer work.
Does anyone know if there is a resolution to this?
There is a light version for the windows nightlies that does not include the 3d model libs. For linux the 3d models are in separate packages. So if you have a slow connection choose the option without libs and possibly get the libs directly via git from github (that way you only need to download deltas)
I don’t have a slow connection, all is as it has always been. The only issue I have is with downloading the KiCAD nightlies. In affet, they don’t download, or if they do, it’s at <10Kbs, sometimes <5Kbs or indeed not at all?
I don’t understand why this should suddenly happen.