DB62 and Pin Receptacle Symbols

I definitely urge you to reinforce all track connections to those 4mm receptacle because there will always be mechanical movement during plug and unplug.

I can safely guaranty you that those thin ends will crack over time exactly where they touch the receptacle.

Use either tear-drops or a small segment e.g. 5mm long of a much wider (e.g. 3 mm) piece of track for the actual connection.

That way that fat track segment can handle substantially more force druing plugging.

Apart from that try to make tracks as wide as reasonable.

Otherwise I guess you won’t need length matching.

I like that idea of the reinforcement track near the pads. Great ide @jos.
Can I do this just on the PCB page or do I have to do something afterwards to make sure it is in all levels?

When plotting for JCLPCB, what boxes do I need to check/uncheck on this page?

  • Just for mechanical strength you could order copper weight 2oz.
  • They have dedicated plot-export specifications for most pcb-systems like Kicad.

Just wanted to let you all know that I had the boards manufactured and they turned out perfect. Wanted to thank everyone for all the help. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Cheers!

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