Datasheet field vs Documentation File Name?


First time poster, long time lurker.

Creating libraries, I was trying to include the URL to the component datasheet. I’ve seen this can be done on two different places in the schematic library editor:

  • Datasheet field: inside Field Properties (button with a “T”)
  • Documentation File Name: inside component properties (button that says “ABC” with an op-amp and a gear) in Description tab

They are independent things and they behave differently as well. For instance, when using the component on a schematic, the way to open the datasheet URL is different:

  • Datasheet field: open component properties (“e” key) and click on datasheet field and “Show Datasheet”
  • Documentation File Name: you can see a PDF/Acrobat icon on a few different places, e.g. right-clicking a component, using the library browser, etc. which is nicer in my opinion.

On top of this confusion, the Datasheet field is common between aliased components but the Documentation File Name can be different.

Why are there two different ways of doing this? Is any expected to be deprecated/removed?


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Didn’t test it, but I think the doc field currently is saved separately from the .lib file where the symbol is part of.
The T field is part of the symbol in the .lib file.

No idea what this looks like after they refurbish that system to become symbol files in .sweet folders (similar to .kicad_mod files in .pretty folders = footprint libs).

The Documentation File that is entered using the library editor is saved in the .dcm file with the same name as the .lib file. The Datasheet sheet field entered using the library editor (‘T’) is saved in the .lib file. The Datasheet sheet field entered using Eeschema is saved as part of the schematic file.

There are three different ways to this and I don’t think any of them are a good solution. I maintain my own library of datasheets and application notes for components that I use.

Hi Diego,

I have also noticed this dual solution.
It seems that Kicad schematic libraries used the documentation filename field.
It has the advantage to allow right click on the component to see if there’s a doc and open it.

So I will use this solution.

In schematic library editor, you can open the documentation with the specific icon.
