D-SUB 50-pin connector in schematic

Hello again everybody!
So, where can I get the component in subject and in attached picture?

This post may help you with some ideas:

Huh? That thread is for footprints, not symbols.

As with all schematic / PCB programs, pin order in symbols does not have to match pad order in footprints. It’s good practice to group pins by function in schematic symbols, because the main task of a schematic is to communicate with humans. If a human can’t read / verify the schematic correctness, then making a PCB from that schematic is useless!

So, you can use any connector symbol that has 50 pins. For example search for conn 01x50 or conn 02x25.

I am a bit surprised that multi unit connector symbols are rare. For example DIN41612 with 2 or 3 rows would be logical candidates for 2 or 3 unit symbols. There are a few though. In KiCad it is very easy to draw your own symbols, and making a multi-unit symbol for this connector is probably sensible. When you make your own symbol, you can also group the pins according to their function, just like with IC’s. For an example of a multi-unit connector symbol you can use: 8P8C_LED_Shielded_x2. This connector seems a good start to make a copy from and make your own symbol. Just delete the graphics, move the pins a bit and add some more pins.

Yeah . . . the image shown was a footprint though so I made the assumtion the OP was after the footprint, even though they said schematic :wink:

That’s not even a kicad layout – traxmaker whatever that is.
The question is what? Where to buy one?

It is indeed unclear whether OP means symbol, footprint, or physical object.

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