CvPcb takes more then 14 seconds to load ... WHY?

I happen to like the CvPcb tool, and think it could be enhanced to make it an even better tool.

But, why does it takes over 14 seconds of my data plan just to launch the tool?

What is it doing?

It appears to be downloading EVERYTHING EVERY TIME!!!


Every new install seems to be downloading everything now every time also.


Because you’re using the online libraries. The caching of them could be improved.

It certainly is obnoxious that it doesn’t even start to resemble functioning until it’s done downloading - on my todo list to fix, actually. I spent several weeks implementing the code to do that, and just haven’t put it into cvpcb yet.


Why does my machine have to download the entire library again the next day?

It can’t figure out which ones have not changed and skip the download for the ones that were chosen to be a Global copy on my machine?

In my opinion, KiCad is great EDA tool. However, I am left to wonder from time to time, how did “that” not get fixed?

Thanks for your reply! Thanks for all your effort!

There have been extensive discussions and arguments between the developers over this. The summary is basically that almost everybody thinks this would be a good idea, except one guy who was in charge at the time and put his foot down for some silly reason nobody else agrees with :stuck_out_tongue:

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14 seconds sounds more like local disk access than accessing online libraries, which would be much slower.

Get the new guy in charge to get on board.

You don’t know the SSD I have…

Whole team has a lot of inertia, unfortunately, especially given it’s all fairly new stuff. I’d love to have him on board with adding proper caching and similar, not sure we can pull that off for a while though.


Are many people actually using online directly? I have done some tests and found that as I have a high latency to the server, that fetching 30+ footprint libraries would take several minutes. By default Nightly seems to be installing and using C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules

Honestly I feel that the group of users who use the online libraries are part of the same group would not miss this feature it if it were gone. In that they are a subset of all KiCad users.