Custom pads net and label random text size and orientation

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I have a custom footprint for a component that displays the net and label of its pads unexpectedly.
I’m sure the text orientation in due to me rotating the pads but why is font size all crazy?

The pads are Custom (circular base) is shape with the Shape Primitives defined as one polygon.
I want to know if there is a way to tell the pad editor where you want to put the label and net.

There are different sorts of texts. There are the “real” texts on layers such as F.Silkscreen, and there are the “helper” texts which are only shown in the GUI but never put in any output.

KiCad tries to guess the maximum text size for these for both the pad number and the net names. In the screenshot below, the Net name “+5V” is shown at least 5 times and all in different sizes that fit quite neatly on the pads themselves.

KiCad adjusts these text sizes so they fit on the pads themselves, and apparently this does not work properly with your complex pads. I am not aware of a way to overrule this auto-sizing. The only option you have is to turn off these texts completely. You can do this with: PCB Editor / Preferences / Preferences / PCB Editor / Display Options / Annotations. This part of the Preferences has a few radio buttons and checkboxes to influence this behavior.


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Thanks this will work well enough.

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