Hi, there,
I have a custom footprint I developed, that appears to work fine. However, if I try to export this footprint using .dsn to freeRouter, freeRouter crashes every-time. I am not sure what it is about this exact custom footprint that is causing so much trouble. I have actually isolated the footprint on its own board, with no other components, and freeRouter still crashes when trying to load the dsn file. I get the following error from freeRouter:
Polygon.winding_number_after_closing: winding number != 0 expected
Polygon.winding_number_after_closing: winding number != 0 expected
PolygonShape.DivisionPoint: projection not found
Polygon.winding_number_after_closing: winding number != 0 expected
Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” java.lang.Error: Illegal character <|>
Polygon.winding_number_after_closing: winding number != 0 expected
PolygonShape.DivisionPoint: projection not found
Thank you!RZ568M-DF.kicad_mod (7.9 KB)