Custom DRC rules with slots

Using custom DRC rules for high-voltage spacing, and it is working well. Wild cards in DRC rules are amazing. Example:

# 6mm spacing groups
(rule "A side to B side"
        (constraint clearance (min 6mm))
        (condition "A.NetClass == 'A*' && B.NetClass == 'B*'"))

(rule "A side to output"
        (constraint clearance (min 6mm))
        (condition "A.NetClass == 'A*' && B.NetClass == 'O*'"))

(rule "B side to output"
        (constraint clearance (min 6mm))
        (condition "A.NetClass == 'A*' && B.NetClass == 'O*'"))

# 4mm spacing groups, hot to earth
(rule "A side to Earth"
        (constraint clearance (min 4mm))
        (condition "A.NetClass == 'A*' && B.NetClass == 'Default'"))

However, in some cases, we need to use slots to isolate some pins:

In the above example, the copper on the pads is spaced about 4mm, and we need 6mm, so adding a slot. Is there any way for the DRC rules to account for this?

Also, is there a way to quickly disable the DRC engine while routing to route through exceptions, and then turn it back on again?

Right now I have a keyboard shortcut mapped to the board settings, and I comment/uncomment a (severity ignore) for the rule I want to temp disable.

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For just the router question, setting a hotkey to “Router Highlight Mode” (and one of the other router modes) should let you quickly swap router settings. That will disregard all constraints and rules though, not just your custom rules.

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(Apologies for double post) For the DRC to understand slots, I’m guessing this feature request for creepage would be needed. Consider giving it a thumbs up if it would help your workflow.

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regarding the hotkeys for switching router modes there are two options:

  • one dedicated hotkey for every router mode (highlight mode, walkaround, shove mode)
  • or use the “cycle through the 3 available router modes” hotkey

The current choosen mode is shown in the statusbar (if routing is active).

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Done, thanks the link!

Looking at the routing mode options:

Do you toggle between “Highlight collisions with Allow DRC violations” and “Walk around”? That seems to be one way to quickly allow routing through DRC exceptions and I like how it shows you exactly what is going on.

Yes. And I use the “cycle”-hotkey (instead of memorizing 3 different hotkeys for the 3 routing modes).

That is working well for me – much easier than disabling the rule – thanks all for the suggestions.

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