Curious about Conflicts(Confusing) When using same Ref number

Hi, I’m noob and sorry for my English

When I set reference number, I found that Using same reference number is possible
So, I’m little concerned that can make any confusing.

so, How can I avoid conflicts using same number?
or Is there any way to check and find Reference numbers which have same number of reference in a sheet?
Please let me know Setting and checking way

For example, When I use Design Spark PCB, there is a error message when i attempted to use same Reference number

Use the qutomatic annotation tool found in the tools menu. I would guess that ERC will complain about duplication of references

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Yes, @Rene_Poschl the ERC complaints.

And if someone for some reason don’t use the ERC, KiCad sends an error message of multiple items with same reference when generating the netlist or updating pcb from schematic.


Often the reference numbers are assigned automatically by running:

Eeschema / Tools / Annotate Schematic.

This usually preserves hand assigned References, but you can optionally clear existing assignments and redo them. If you do the assignment it also checks for conflicts and lists them:


Thank you Rene :slight_smile:

Thank you pedro :slight_smile:

helpful and Thanks :grinning:

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