CTRL pin to override grid snap in symbol editor

I just wanted to comment: There has been significant discussion of holding down the CTRL pin in schematic capture to fine-position items (override the grid snap.)

Up until this morning, I was using V6.00. I tried using CTRL pin in symbol editor. I found that it DID NOT WORK!!! :crying_cat_face: :weary:

So before I started complaining on this forum, I updated to V6.04. Now I find that DOES WORK!! :smiley: :grinning: :laughing:

Just curious…when was this capability introduced to any of the KiCad tools?


And also:
Is there any documentation for this “hotkey”?

EDIT: also works in 6.99, but I couldn’t find it listed in either 6.0.4 or 6.99 hotkey list.


This seems to change occasionally, I tend to try random combinations of [Shift], [Alt] and [Ctrl] until it works, and then forget within a few minutes which combination it was.

Filed this bug report as I couldn’t find any mention of documentation or gitlab reports anywhere.

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