Crystal footprint

I hereby certify that I am not simply asking someone else to design a footprint for me.

This is an auto-generated message that is in place on the “footprints” section of the forum. If I remove it and ask for a footprint to be designed anyway, I understand that I will be subject to forum members telling me to go design my own footprint or referring me to a 3rd party footprint site.

Im restarting my Kicad venture. Have loaded standard/default kicad. There are lots and lots of components in libs. However i miss what I would suspect very common component, a crystal like HC49-S och equiv. 2 pin 4.88 mm, component and footprint. Why not in standard libs. Any notion where I could find ? (no big deal doing myself, but strange not avail)

Both symbols and footprints for crystals are there, I’ve been using them for ages, you just haven’t looked hard enough. Try a search. Not at computer so can’t show you screenshots.

Please always link to a data sheet for the component in question.

Right, that one for 2pin I found, no foot.

your most probably right, Ill try again. but at first attempt got me the above shown entry for 2pin…

Except for the height, it is a HC-49-U. You’ll have to live with a clumsy 3D-model.
But you asked for a footprint. That doesn’t include a 3D-model. :wink:

Hi all, sorry to have bothered. Didnt see the scrolldown for “no default” footprint. Old and blind :wink:
thx for support.

Actually and improvment could be to state “choose crystal” och “further select”, instead of “no default”,
would have put me on track… :slight_smile:

For a generic symbol No default footprint is exactly what is meant. If it were a symbol which has a footprint already assigned in the symbol, you would get something like this:

This is how the items in the symbol library work in KiCad, a default footprint can be assigned. If not then you will have to do the assignment before proceeding to the PCB. The dropdown is a convenience to do the assignment at this point.

PS: Incidentally somebody can gain some karma cheaply by copying the HC49U vertical footprint to HC49S vertical, deleting the 3D model field and submitting a MR to the GitLab KiCad footprint library.