Cross probing between schema and layout

Does selecting a net in schema will show the corresponding net in PCB and vice versa

I know component works but does net-name also work, I try but it didn’t any result.

Thanks you,

It will in v5! (it’s a new feature, in nightlies now). You need to have highlight tool turned on in both eeschema and pcbnew, and then you can cross-probe by clicking on any net object on either side (schematic or PCB)


I was hoping somebody closer to the development effort would respond to this . . . .

I believe this feature will be implemented in the V5.0 release. At least partially implemented.

I am running a Nightly build from almost a year ago. If I click on a symbol in EESchema, then PCBNew will pan to center the corresponding footprint in the display window and highlight it. It’s just a pan, not a zoom, so if you are already zoomed out, you might have to look hard to see the highlighted footprint. The other direction also works, though not as emphatically - select a footprint by clicking on it in PCBNew, and the cursor in EESchema will center on the associated symbol.

Clicking on a trace, or a connecting wire, doesn’t have any effect in my Nightly version.


In recent nightlies it should be working, but you have to be in “highlight net” mode on both sides – if you don’t choose the highlight mode first, it won’t do anything. If you click a net in eeschema, it should pan and zoom in pcbnew. If you click a net in pcbnew, it will NOT pan and zoom in eeschema, because we couldn’t decide on the best behavior for that (what if a net is across multiple sheets?). Wayne agreed we could revisit whether or not there is any reasonable pan/zoom behavior for the schematic in V6.

Please let me know if you can’t get it working with modern nightlies (this feature went in around 2018-01-08)


I wasn’t part of that discussion, nor do I knowingly have access to the logs of the discussion, but should this idea be revisited I have two thoughts:

  • Pan/zoom to the nearest component on the net to the center of the current view. If it isn’t on the current page, maybe switch to the closest (by page number) page and closest to center of page.
  • Or pan/zoom on the schematic to the nearest component pin to where on the trace the user clicked on the PCB.

I think I’d prefer the latter method, so (for example) when trying to figure out where on the schematic the pin of the connected net on a part with multiple gates on the schematic is. (Or different schematic parts of a microcontroller.)

But for now, lets let the devs concentrate on getting V5 out.

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