It showns this a bit clearer. It’s basically creepage (surface around slots) and clearance (through air)
In your 2nd shot the track has been moved so there isnt a straight line path to the other track and thus the creepage distance has (hopefully) been increased enough to pass your 6mm constraints
I have repeated the test with version 9.0.1-rc2 on a windows pc, but the result remains the same. This time with 10 mm creapage limit. For me it looks like he can’t go round the slot in a curve, only in a straight line.
Correct me if I am wrong, but clearance is the connection over air (shortest possible connection between two points) and creepage is the connection over a surface, which can be increased with grooves and slots. So clearance is always smaller/equal than creepage
You are right and this bugs me as these terms are quite clear.
I keep meaning to raise a PR to have this fixed but I haven’t quite figured out what a viable suggestion is as an alternative