Creating new origin

I am creating a circular printed wiring board. I would like to set the center of the circle as the “0” origin. That would also accommodate placing 3 mounting holes at 120 degree spacing. I cannot see how to do that. Is there an easy out for a novice?

Can you show an example of such a board and tell why you want to set the origin, i.e. how would you use it?

The origin will be set able in a future version of KiCad. This will make some tasks easier.

Right now this is however not possible. Which means you will need to use other means of achieving the same. The array feature and also the polar option of the move exactly tool can be of help.

And of course using a more powerful editor like freecad and interfacing it with KiCad via the stepup plugin.


If needing several holes and cutouts, using FreeCad/other is how I do it.

But, for simple holes and only a few cutouts, I do it as shown below… It’s an example and I did not fuss with nailing the dimensional accuracy (that can be done by Sh-Alt key (on Mac) when moving (or adjusting the grid parameters).

I used the layers indicated in the image below but, you can use different/other layers…
The Measuring tool show 30º angle below horiz. Thus 30+90 =120º

[EDIT] forgot, start by placing an Auxillary Origin where the center will be

Shift+P in pcbnew and the freely placeable grid origin are your best friends.

  • place the grid origin (S)
  • place/select item (hole, pad etc.)
  • press Shift+P
  • check ‘Use polar coordinates’
  • enter distance and angle in relation to (S)

That’s all there is to it.

After a geometric construction make sure to put the grid origin back to where ever it was before, or where you need it in relation to placed components and/or grid.

Please see the attached. M1 needs to be on the circle center and then I need three mounting holes on 120 degree pattern.

thank you. The sooner the better for me.
90% of all my tasks involve circular PC boards.

Thank you very much. I will go download that program. In the meanwhile, I may try using Trig on the existing board considering I have the center a 6.0, 3.0 and do the math from there.

I am using version 5.1.4. Only the s appears to work.

I think @jos’s way of doing it is good and simple, except that the keyboard shortcuts may be different (shift+P does nothing for me). Open the context menu on a selected item and open Position Relative To.

I am not sure placing the origin will help that much here. You might want to learn how to use either freecad or the polar versions of the move precise, position relative and array tools.

It is Ctrl+R in version 5.1.5 and I would presume it to be the same in 5.1.4…

A right click on a selected item should show the exact shortcut.

Good and simple as in ingenious :sunglasses:

I used the measurement tool. Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
I consider the topic closed.
Thanks Again

I was out of link for few days.
My solution is to place the PCB so that its center is at the absolute 0,0 position (modifying the frame to have no frame except X,Y coordinate lines).

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