Creating a simple AC transient circuit [Spice]

I’m trying to use the schematic to simulate a very simple circuit with:

  1. AC Source 240v Amplitude @ 50Hz.
  2. 50 kOhm resister
  3. Ground

That’s it! I created the circuit but noted the AC simple has only ONE node you can connect to. I thought it always has + and - (or hot & neutral) sides? At any rate, I connected AC --> Resistor —> GND. Run simulation for transient analysis after some settings and not surprisingly did not get any useful results (all zeros). The spice model for the AC source is: ac 240 sin(0 240 50)

Here is the diagram:

I feel I am missing something obvious and doing something stupid. Any clues appreciated!

Yes I know it’s a two-terminal device, but this one only has ONE terminal.
Where in the library can I find a TWO terminal AC voltage source? I didn’t
find any!

I m new to kicad and I also have similar problem.

Circuit: KiCad schematic
Background thread stopped with timeout = 0
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vin and vin
Note: Starting dynamic gmin stepping
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-03 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-04 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-05 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-06 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-07 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-08 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-09 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-10 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-11 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin step
Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vin and vin
Warning: Dynamic gmin stepping failed
Note: Starting source stepping
Supplies reduced to   0.0000% Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vin and vin
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-02 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-03 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-04 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-05 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-06 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-07 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-08 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-09 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-10 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-11 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin =   1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin step
Note: One successful source step
Supplies reduced to   0.1000% Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vin and vin
Supplies reduced to   0.0000% Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes vin and vin
Warning: source stepping failed
Transient solution failed -
Last Node Voltages
Node                                   Last Voltage        Previous Iter
----                                   ------------        -------------
vout                                              0                    0
vin                                               0                    0
doAnalyses: iteration limit reached
run simulation(s) aborted

Here is my circuit

Any idea where I am wrong ??

Your symbol probably.
Try to use the default symbols in pspice.lib for now

Looks like so…

Later on you manage to build your own


Thank you so much!! Now every thing is fine