Create local footprint libraries from or


I am new to KiCad and want to try it for next design.

I want to create a local copy of footprint libraries so I can use KiCad offline, but was confused between and

I used “Footprint Libraries Wizard” which apparently uses

On KiCad Official Website -, it says “The official KiCad libraries are available for download at”.

I found these two repositories are slightly different. The one on is a bit closer to the libraries that KiCAD claims and is working on for v5 release (according to the download page mentioned above).

Can someone suggest which repository I should download?


If you use 4.0.x, use the older library repo. If you use nighly builds or self-compiled up-to-date development version, use the one which is meant for v5.

Thanks, eelik.

I installed 4.0.7. Since I am new to KiCad and haven’t done any design yet, will it be worth using nightly built for a smooth moving to v5 in the near future?

By the way, I am using KiCad on Mac. I hope nightly built has no difficulties with OS X.


[quote=“bnlkicad, post:3, topic:9340”]
I installed 4.0.7. Since I am new to KiCad and haven’t done any design yet, will it be worth using nightly built for a smooth moving to v5 in the near future? [/quote]
I would advise sticking with 4.0.7

Right now, nightly builds are in a state of change, and not always for the better. (You will see this if you monitor the Forum for several days.) Bugs - some merely annoying, but some significant or even serious - appear and disappear every few days. I think you are better off using the 4.0.7 stable release, at least until there is a designated 5.0.0 Release Candidate.

I downloaded Nightly Builds until about 11 months ago, when development activity started to expose bugs as well as make significant changes to the KiCAD programs themselves. Since then, I have been running a Nightly Build from last February.

I am not a Mac user, but my impression from monitoring traffic on this Forum is that quite a few bugs peculiar to OS X have appeared over the last few months.


Thanks, Dale. I will use 4.0.7 till v5 RC is released.

Everything about fp lib disparity between the old v4 repos and the new v5 repo is explained in this FAQ thread: How can i install a specific version of the footprint library?

About the use of nightly builds: Is it a good idea to use a nightly build version?

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