Create component with separate symbols

Hi, newbie here. Sorry if the question is old, but I could not find any matching topic.

I want to draw a crossbar that consists of MOSFET photorelays (TLP3xxx). So I have the demux drivers with the relay inputs on the left half of the schematic and the actual crossbar matrix with the (electronic) switches on the right. There is a defined 1:1 relation between the input (which looks like a LED) and the output (a switch at a 45° angle).

So the two parts of the IC have to be placed separately, and it would be a plus if the reference (Uxx) would stick to each part.

Is there any way to implement this as a KiCad library symbol? I thought a workaround would be to have a multi-unit device with only one unit being the switch and the LED marked as common, but in KiCad multi-unit means a minimum of 2.

Ok, RTFM… :roll_eyes:
I somehow expected that all units had to be identical, which is not true. Just create a component with two units, unit A being the input LED and unit B the switch. Done.


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