Copying symbol properties between symbols

Is there a way to transfer all or selected properties of a symbol (mainly order numbers) between symbols, other than copy & paste them all one after another?

Even if I could have two property windows of 2 symbols open would help, but in KiCad only one property window is allowed. So I have to open one, copy, close, open the other, paste, and repeat.


Why not copy or duplicate the symbol? All the properties will also copy or duplicate.

Because I in general do my own libs and want to copy over the properties of existing schematics.

There is no native library/symbol management tool in kicad.
You may upvote the corresponding gitlab issue: Symbol Fields Table dialog in Symbol Editor (Bulk field editing) (#11506) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

there are two other options to consider (both not tested by me):

  • the plugin KiField promises to ease such field based work
  • if you switch from standard kicad libraries to a database library you can edit all fields/cells within your database

Fastest way is probably in the raw text file (the libraries are quite readable).
Or if you have a LOT, it might be worth the time to make it work in Excel

My point was that it is quicker and easier to copy (eg. resistor) and then change the value and ref. than it is to copy/paste all the other properties.
In your example change two properties instead of copy/paste six.

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create your own database, it’s very convenient, there’s no need to create a bunch of the same type of components.

Ooooh! Yea very Sexy - a KiCad version of 'Format Painter’l

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Yes, this is how it could be implemented:

  • select source object
  • a pop-up lets you pick which properties should be transferred
  • activating the “Property Painter”
  • click on the symbols where the properties have to be transferred


Is the Symbol Field table no help ?



I’d forgotten about the symbol table.

Copy/paste between lines on a single page is much easier than opening and closing properties pages for each symbol.

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Yes, the table is of help! Thanks!
Is there a way to have only two components displayed, lets say C1 and C2?


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The filter at the top of the table may get you part the way to that . . . e.g. C* don’t think using ? as a wildcard works.

There is still to much to see.
Ideally I could write: “C1”+“C2”
Is this possible?


Sorry, I can’t answer if that is possible beyond testing it to see if it works . . . but I suspect you might have tried that already. There might be something in the manual to help ? otherwise a passing Dev might be able to answer more comprehensively.