Is there a way to transfer all or selected properties of a symbol (mainly order numbers) between symbols, other than copy & paste them all one after another?
Even if I could have two property windows of 2 symbols open would help, but in KiCad only one property window is allowed. So I have to open one, copy, close, open the other, paste, and repeat.
Fastest way is probably in the raw text file (the libraries are quite readable).
Or if you have a LOT, it might be worth the time to make it work in Excel
My point was that it is quicker and easier to copy (eg. resistor) and then change the value and ref. than it is to copy/paste all the other properties.
In your example change two properties instead of copy/paste six.
Sorry, I can’t answer if that is possible beyond testing it to see if it works . . . but I suspect you might have tried that already. There might be something in the manual to help ? otherwise a passing Dev might be able to answer more comprehensively.