Copying a project and making changes to the schematic connections ONLY

Can I copy an entire project and rename it, then change ONLY the interconnections?
I tried that and was successful in updating the schematic interconnect, but I don’t know how to get the PCB to show the new wiring ratsnest for routing the traces.

You need to “Update PCB from Schematic."

That seemed reasonable to me but that option was grayed out?

If I recall correctly, it doesn’t work when running the PC Board editor stand-alone.
You need to open the project for it to link the PCB and schematic.

Unless indicated otherwise for special use cases, work through the Project Manager. And it’s best to stick to one project per folder.

I would copy and rename the entire folder, then rename all of the included files with the same new name as the folder. Run it from the project manager.

It’s actually not necessary to rename the files to match the folder name. The files only have to have a common basename. I have folders like blinky, son-of-blinky, blinky-rides-again, this-time-for-sure-blinky, but the files inside are all blinky.* (joking about the folder names of course :wink:). And anyway a VCS keeps track of the versions for me.

Are you calling me a son-of-a-blinky??!!! :smiley:

Tell me about a VCS (I assume that is either a version control system, or a volcano crater seizer.) I really know NOTHING about VCSs…

But anyway I think I like changing the names of the schematic and pcb files so that I can see it as I use KiCad. A little bit of insurance that I am editing the version which I want to be editing.

Except my first project I made in 2017 I have started each next project by copying one of previous projects changing all file names (even in case when I then delete the whole schematic and all elements from PCB). That way I know that I start in my common environment (track widths, vias, clearances, classes,user layers,…).

It you don’t mind a more subtle indication, the project path is shown in the bottom status line of the Project Manager.