Copy/Paste utterly broken in 5.1

KiCad 5.1 on 18.04 LTS up todate system

The copy and paste functionality for texts in version 5.1 is utterly broken.

Example for instance in Eeschema

Issue a E, V, U while pointing at any symbol. The system immediately high lights the text which, based on what actually happens, obviously actions a copy command which in turn supers imposes any previously issued copy command within the entire OS. May it be an ordinary ctrl+c/ctrl+v, or the unix/linux build in copy by high light functionality.

Even within Eeschema itself there is no way to copy field texts between symbols other than the automatically high lighted text in the target field itself.

Even attempts to copy some text from outside an open symbol dialogue box (E, V, U) are futile since as soon as the focus returns to the dialogue box KiCad again will automatically high light the text (and commit its value to the copy buffer) where ever the cursor left off. Definitely unwanted behaviour.

This is rather disturbing and extremely annoying to put it mildly.

I reverted back to 5.02 which does the auto high light as well though it is possible to copy and paste text (e.g. special symbols) into an open dialogue box from any system clip board source.

The unix/linux paste by middle mouse click does not work anymore in 5.1!

Reverting back and forth between 5.1 and 5.02 shows that his (mis)-behaviour is consistent.

5.02 limpingly ‘works’ while 5.1 does not.

Apart from the above KiCad is a great tool. Beats eagle any time.



Thanks, thought this might not be the right place. Will forward this issue to the bug team as well.


Don’t forget to post the bug report here for follow up or to up vote it. Thanks

A temporary ‘workaround’ as follows.

Did some more testing and the only way to paste text into e.g. E,V,U of any symbol within Eeschema is:

  • issue an E, V, U command over any symbol.
  • delete field contents
  • only THEN paste from wherever
  • insert as per usual ctrl+c, or middle mouse button click

Kind of a pain, but will have to do short of down grading to 5.02

The same behaviour applies to the Edit Symbol Fields dialogue.

Going by the behaviour as such it suggests an issue in relation with GTK.


Further tests in 5.1 Pcbnewl reveals inconsistent behaviour.

An E over any text property like component value, reference still appears to have the same behaviour as version 5.02. Meaning here it is possible the paste as usual.

However an E over any component itself does exhibit the same flaw as in Eeschema, probably due to the same gtk dialogue used.


Bug filed.



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