Consider a schematic which contains some multiple instances A1, A2, A3 of a hierarchical sheet A.
There are different components R1, R2, R123 in the sheet. Knowing that there are many instances of the sheet, I keep the naming according to the 1000X[sheet] rule, thus in A2 there are R2001, R2002, R2123.
As I develop the schematic inside the sheet (technically, inside one instance of the sheet, say, A2), the components’ references change. As soon as I’m done with the schematic, can I copy the annotations from this particular instance A2 into all other instances and get R1001, R1002, R1123 inside A1, and R3001, R3002, R3123 inside A3?
If I try to use the “Annotate Schematic” function the generation algorithm seems to ignore what I have in the current sheet and the new references are from 1 on and different in A1 and A3 compared to A2.
There is a different, though similar, path to get to the same problem. If I already have a project with multiple sheet instances and I change some annotation in one instance (for example, swap two components’ names R2<->R3), can I sync the names in all sheet instances?
I tried clearing annotations in all other sheet instances (A1 and A3) and then re-annotated the schematic with “keep existing annotation” switch on. As result (1) in the current instance A2 annotations don’t change, thus don’t respect the 1000X[sheet] rule, and (2) all other sheet instances (A1 and A3) have their own numbering.