I can’t to fill zone by copper hatch, while in 5.1 i has remember that i had made it.
What is the new differences has the program now, may be i didn’t know about it’s new way to fill?
I had draw zone, allowed all,
and nothing was happened, the zone still unhatched.
and more important thing – i had didn’t find the dialog, where i can propmpt, to which net the hatching be owned by - the gND, +5V or any other net? I remeber that in 5.1 it was, and i can’t find these dialogs the second day already. suggest please, where are they placed now?
and then had check all it’s rules
but in zone area i didn’t find ‘copper’, i can fill it by forfward silkscreen layer, but not forward copper.
and i had place the zone area inside the rules area, and it’s the result
Select a net that a component will cross (important, if you have no via already or component that directly touches this zone, it will not fill/hatch, place vias or components first)