Copper to edge cut hole clearance not working

I am using the circle tool on the “edge cuts” layer to create a mounting hole. For some reason the copper to edge clearance is respected with the ground filled zone but not to a graphic polygon. You can see in the screenshot of the board layout. I wanted to put a screenshot of the 3D view but apparently new forum users are only allowed one picture. It also shows copper from the polygon right up to the edge of the hole. Is there anyway to get around this? As a side note I do have non zero “copper to edge” and “copper to hole” clearances in the board setup.

For some reason the copper to edge clearance is respected with the ground filled zone but not to a graphic polygon.

This is by design and this shows the difference between zones and graphic shapes. The fill operation for zones respects clearance settings and puts copper only at allowed places.
In contrast all graphic shapes get the contour the user draws. No change to this contour (and it’s filling) is made by kicad.
Only if you run the DRC you will get a error/warning that the graphic shapes is violating some clearance value.

regarding the “1 picture restriction”: read this FAQ article: New Member Information If you follow the instructions you will promote yourself the the next forum user level and get the right to post multiple pictures (even better for more complicated questions: attach the project which poses some problem)