Converting imported DXF graphic to pads and holes

I’ve imported the below graphic exported from CorelDraw as DXF. The rectangles are to be SMD pads and the circles are to be NPTH.

In the Footprint editor the squares are 4 individual lines and the circles are 4 bezier curves.

I’ve not been able to figure out how to convert these graphics to usable pads and holes. BTW they are on the Front copper layer. Any suggestions?


You can use such an imported DXF as a (mostly visual) reference, but you can not “convert” it to pads. You have to use native pads in KiCad, and then it’s easiest to just delete the graphics you created.

Such an intermediate step in a graphics program is not very useful. Most often it’s just simpler to directly draw the footprint in KiCad’s Footprint Editor.

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Hi @JohnRob

Kicad offers a range of tools for footprint pad placement.

There are independent X & Y grids.
dy & dx at the bottom of your screen
Four different positioning tools in the Select menu.

Simple to do…
Footprint with:

Copper Filled Rectangle
Copper SMD Pad, with setting to a NET

Grab some popcorn and watch the Movie

(I did it for a Footprint but can do same process in the PCB editor using a single Terminal from the stock kicad parts. Just edit the Terminal (to an SMD Rectangle) after placing it)

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Thank you.
Footprints are no issue. However I had generated the pattern show in my 1st post with a drawing program. Then imported via dxf into the footprint editor. These dxf entities could not be converted into pads.

These dxf entities could not be converted into pads.

The answer is: There is no dedicated, automatic tool for this task. The video shown is the closest you will get, with one additional step.

  • select all lines forming a pad (see video)
  • RMB-click–>context menu -->create from selection–>create polygon (make sure the polygon is filled and on top copper layer, see video)
  • place an additional small SMD-pad with desired pad number on top of these polygon
  • create a custom pad from the polygon + the auxiliary (select both → RMB-click–>edit pads as graphic shapes)

That’s why I show (in video) using the Pad Tool to make a Rectangle Pad (and show Pull-down Menu to set to desired shape’s).

You show only Circles and Squares/Rectangle so, those and variations are capable by tweaking the Pad settings. No DXF is needed to do this and why would you use DXF if Kicad has these simple-to-use tools? For a more complex shape and want to use a DXF for it, make into a Filled Polygon on Cu layer - add a Via or Pad to it and you’ll be able Net it and connect Traces to it…

Looks like mf_ibfeew posted similar answer as I typed this :grinning:

Filled Polygon on F_Cu with Pad and Via and Track connected to them and Net

The source document was dimensioned is a very odd way, which would be difficult to go directly to Kicad. I used CorelDraw to make the patterns hoping KiCad could “see” them as pad shapes. As it turns out this was not the case.
Ultimately I had to calculate the positions for KiCad and create them as a normal pad/hole. The issue was not that I didn’t know how to use the footprint editor.

Oh, I think I get it - I foolishly imagined they were individual shapes but, now understand they all belong to a single DXF or, you loaded them with the Group Checkbox, checked. Un-check it.

Nonetheless, that’s no different than what I showed first with One DXF containing a Circle and a Square. You have not clarified if and which items are for NPTH and for Pads.

NPTH goes into the edge-cut layer (I’m sure you know that…) Thus, the real question is about the Pads. I demo’d how to do them…

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