Convert PCB123 project to Kicad?

Is there any way to convert PCB123 schematics and pcb’s to kicad? I have several that I would like to “import” rather than start from scratch. The schematics aren’t such a big deal but a couple of the pcb’s would be a PITA to redo.

Thanks for any info!

Obviously, PCB123 is the classic vendor lock in model. Free now, pay later.

PCB123 can export designs in XML, so that might be a starting point. Frankly though, you may as well regard those designs as lost.

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If the XML format is clearly documented a developer may be able to create an import tool, or a phython script to handle the conversion, however this generally involves the research heavy lifting to be done by the user to begin with,

I found a website that converts XML to C# classes, which I have found useful for converting Eagle to KiCad. Most of the work is then interpreting the PCB123 data model and converting to KiCad. I guess it took a few weeks to write my Eagle converter, but I am still ironing out issues.

Probably if I had a lot of PCB123 projects, I might write a converter.

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