Continue routing a track the same width as that of the "last" segment

Ok, I might have missed that in the documentation.

An extremely common case during layout for me is that you have some route that you split at some point by deleting one or more track segments to go another way from that point on. So I delete some parts and then I continue routing the “broken” line by hovering over the end of an “open” track and pressing “x” to continue routing from that point. Now. I miss a way to continue routing with the same track width as the last track/segment I start routing from. I know that I can choose between track width of predefined sizes or from class net rules but most of the time I don´t care about that because often, parts of a layout use different sizes then the predefined or class width on purpose, maybe to just go thinner in some area of less space or go wider for better heatsinking.

If I just had a shortcut or key I could hol during pressing “x” to continue routing with the same wisht as the last segment without before pressing “e” oer the track to find out its width , then choosing the proper width from the menu and then continue routing. (3 step procedure any time instead of 1).

Any way to do that? :slightly_smiling_face:

KiCad has a toggle button especially for this in the upper left corner, just next to that “predefined width” selection menu you mentioned.


Oh, man :sweat_smile:
I was sure It must be somewhere right before my eyes… any way to map that onto a hotkey?
In the hotkey menu, I just found “Switch Track Width to Previous/Next”
//EDIT: It is interesting that most of the functions are mapable to an hotkey, but still no all of them =)

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