However, some of the lines in my schematic are lost when coming to pcbnew, what can be the cause ?
I also have a trivial matter; I would like to have just pad-with-througholes on middle of some wires.
(in order to easy solder in some modifications in future,also how to make such holes at wire-ends)
And also need such when I need to do jumpers from routing reasons.
I would use single pad footprints. Either use a Conn_01x01 symbol in the schematic and add a 1 pad footprint of your liking. (Create a custom footprint with a drill diameter that suits your purpose.)
Or add the footprint directly to the pcb.
Similar to the via stitching workaround.
I have deleted… my fail too messy layout, it was R8 and not R3, R8 IS unconnected. Remains to see why the unconnected from my extra CONN to get pads, are unconnected.
Also when inserting footprint directly into pcnew, Im not successful in geting the wire to stick on the pad.
Please clean up your schematic. I’m not gonna search for your R3 in this mess. Make sure the Reference is readable and does not interfere with the value fields of neighboring components.
Ok, but I pulled R3 downward at the lefthand side, clearly unconnected on the low side. Yes, i havnt routed it yes, since I started and made big effort, but the discovered this, and dont know what else is lost, so wont route just yet. sorry. So I guess I come back when I have more substancial and cleaner layouts. And having solved the problem
And yes; you are quite right. Clean solutions make errors more vissible. Sorry. My fail.
This thread has become useless without any of the original images.
The importance of readable schematics is why long ago we used to have to do a technical drawing module in an engineering degree course. I remember having to spend a fortune on the drawing instruments.
ME103 & ME104 at Michigan Tech, part of the core curriculum for all engineering majors circa 1970. The real value isn’t so much in how to make a drawing, but how to organize a drawing, what information belongs on a drawing, and why we make drawings.
When the instructor said that we would be making drawings, reviewing drawings, or studying drawings as long as we pursued an engineering career I think everybody except the mechanical and civil majors laughed under our breath. Now I’m 66 - I never had an engineering career - but I spend more time making drawings than anything else I do.
YES and NO: the tread has become useless, since I was ashamed of the err I made and removed pictures since anyway useless, It was due to scarcely readable drawings mainly, at least the part of missing lines,they were there, but “unexpectedly”. SO NEED FOR CLEAN DRAWINGS is a conclusion (before bothering anyone For the part of inserting “holes” I have now understood the meaning of “networks” or nets. It is needed to go into the footprints pad, and see to that the PAD has the right net assigned in order to connect to it. It is not allways easy to find the way through all states and choices, even when you think you know where you want to go, especially in pcnew. Again, thanks for support Still fighting on the learning curve.