I want to connect pin 2 of the resistor with the pin 2 of the LED as you see squared in green on the left side of the snapshot blow. On the right see is what I am following from a tutorial but I am unable to connect pin 2 of the resistor with the pin 2 of the LED. There must be something wrong which I as a newbie couldn’t figure out. Can anyone help me out?
You need to go to your schematic and turn R1 through 180 degrees, then go to tools (in schematic) and “Update PCB from Schematic”.
Resistors, like everything else, have pins, and those pins have numbers even though the numbers are hidden for many symbols.
Notice the “ratline” is attached to pin 1 which means the LED is attached to pin 1. Turning R1 around will mean the ratline is attached to pin 2
I may be wrong here, but I don’t think you need to do anything. A resistor doesn’t have polarity so it doesn’t matter which ‘end’ D1 is connected to as long as both pins on the resistor go where they are suppose to.
yeah this makes sense, just wondering in this case why am I not able to connect LED pin 2 with resistors pin 2 like it shows in left side of the picture.
Sorry to bother you with simple questions, I tried to see but I couldn’t find where the tools tab is in schematic wherein I can find "Update PCB from Schematic”.
what is ratline here and what is its purpose?
OP wants to copy what he see in tutorial so he wants to match everything including pad numbers.
I have now rotated the resistor upside down and changed the pad number of resistor 1 to 2 and 2 to 1 to match what I see in tutorial. this helps visually
Rotate the resistor symbol through 180 degrees, open Tools, then “Update PCB from Schematic”.
This will rotate the footprint on the PCB and also correctly place the ratlines so the tracks can be placed correctly.
You were “lucky” with your capacitors (C3 & C4) they just happened to be correctly orientated to get the required result. These capacitors could just as easily have been placed then connected the other way, resulting in the same problem as the resistor.
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