Connecting VSS pins throws ERC errors

I am trying to make a custom board using TI’s IWR6843.
I am following the Schematic of one of the EVMs provided by TI themselves.
As you can see in the first image the VSS pins are connected to the GND on the reference design.

In my custom schematic when i connect VSS to GND and run the ERC. it throws bunch of errors at me (Error: Pins of type Power output and Power output are connected). All are seems to be saying Don’t connect those pins together.
After doing some google searches i found that when some people face this issue. Adding a POWER FLAG to the network solves the issue. I tried that too. but same errors appears.

Any idea what could be causing this? I am using KICAD 8. if that’s helpful.
Also the Schematic Symbol is provided by Ultra Librarian website and that was created by TI themselves. So i don’t think the Schematic is the issue here.

It’s a power consumer, not a voltage regulator, so you have to set the pins to power Input.

Also, even the GND pin of voltage regulators is set to a power input, because it’s common to connect the GND pins of several voltage regulators together, and each net is only allowed one single Power output pin.

What @paulvdh said.
Typical TI left-hand work done by interns during the summer vacation.

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@paulvdh @ML9104 Thanks for the responses. I tried out what you said and it indeed solved the issue i had.

and you are absolutely correct, the more i worked with the TI symbol the more i realized how badly the schematic symbol was done. Lot of pins were either unspecified or completely wrong.

Thank you again for both of you. :slight_smile: