Connecting a pin to a ground plane

Hi Kicad Newbie here. So I am trying to connect the pin that I circled to a power plane. Is there a way to do it or do I just route a track to the power plane and just leave it hanging? What is the best way to approach this situation?

It looks like its already connected. The one further to the right isn’t connected hence the visible Ratsnest line . . .

First set a track width (eg: 0.4mm) and a via size (eg: 0.8/0.4), then start a top route down to where you want the via and press V to drop the via, and esc to end the route. Then press B to see the zone fills get updated.

I am presuming that you already have your plane defined on one of the inner layers.

It is connected.
If you want it be solid connected then you should change power plane settings (or footprint settings or pad settings).

Try changing the Thermal Relief Spoke Angle to 45 degrees on the other pad that actually isn’t connected. Press B. Profit.

My inclination is to “chime in” to the comments by @Piotr and @thebigg above.

Are you familiar with thermal reliefs? It looks to me like your pin pad is connected with a thermal relief connection. Those are generally OK except when you are trying to sink heat to the plane, or trying to get absolutely the lowest possible electrical resistance. I guess it will be difficult to measure the difference in electrical resistance; you would need to measure micro-ohms.


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