I have a two layer PCB. The frontside is connected to net +24V. On back copper there are GND and GND2. These two ground nets are connected with a net tie symbol in eeschema. In pcb layout I have created two copper fill zones. One for GND and one for GND2. I can join them with the net tie pads.
But is it also possible to connect the two zones completely? Unfortunately I can’t yet upload pictures, therefore i have uploaded a document here.
Thanks for your reply. Good question. Actually I don’t want to have two nets, but DRC had an error, that I have connected a Voltage output with another voltage output. But thanks to your question I figured out that I had an error in a symbol which I drawed by myself. I corrected the pin from voltage output to voltage input and was able to delete the net tie and have now 0 errors in drc. Now they are on the same net. Thanks you very much.