i am a little confused. I am searching at least one hour the battery symbol for the schematic. In which library is it hidden? I know, meanwhile i can could have to create my own symbol.
On principle, where is the symbol?
thx zh4ng
i am a little confused. I am searching at least one hour the battery symbol for the schematic. In which library is it hidden? I know, meanwhile i can could have to create my own symbol.
On principle, where is the symbol?
thx zh4ng
I haven’t used the battery symbol but it took me less than 30 secs to find it.
Oh man, Device.lib. Very plausible…
Thx to all
How do you find it? What’s the secret ?
Open enschema, open add component dialog, type bat. (the list of available symbols is filtered by what you enter. Additionaly the device lib is where generic symbols live)
device lib is added by default. (if you did not remove it or have a very strange installation.)
Hi Rene,
ok, this is my error. I remove all default libs and use only my own.
That’s my way
And yes, this is why i need one hour … damn.
You can setup a separate symbol “search/develop” project where you add all symbols from the official lib. This way you can search for them very fast and copy the symbols you need over to your personal libs. (add your own libs with lower priority to that project.)
As librarian i have the symbol lib repo cloned on disc, added its location to the search path of a special project and added all libs that are contained in there to the project. I use this setup to check pull requests. You can use a similar setup. (By cloning the repo you can easily update it. For me it allows fast switching between different pull requests.)
This works best if your own libs are named differently to the official libs. (Example give your libs a prefex unique to you.)
Otherwise copying symbols form the official libs into your lib is a lot harder.
hm, another way to handle the symbol libs. Nice
Thx for this idea… I will try it
Footprints aren’t as friendly. I’ll sometimes just open a terminal window and ‘grep’ the directory to find the right library.
in nightly cvpcb has a user filter. so you can use that.
or use the browser from footprint editor.
or search by keyword.