Configuration Management notes

I have a question about KiCad configuration management. I have just made a major branch on PCB. I want to put notes about the major parts of the change. In old systems this was in the notes part of the revision level, like:

rev F = works at room temp
rev G = works hot
rev H = deleted Q5 + circuits
Where do I put notes like that in Kicad?

This is under page settings. Does it do what you need?

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I keep track of changes in my schematics and layouts using content management tools: at first I used Subversion, and now Git. The commit log text can be as long as you want, allowing for detailed descriptions of changes, and the logs can be preserved infinitely. This also allows for tagging of the state when drawings are printed and boards are manufactured.

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Thanks for the answers. The comments section in the page set up is what I can use. TNX

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