Components field issue

I Have try for my first time to generate a netlist from schematic and I see that,

if in the library symbol properties, example in the field CASE in 2 different component
in the first one is type CASE without any final space and in the second one CASE have at the end a space, see picture below, the program use another field in the netlist, is possible to set some parameter to ignore the final blank space ?

First some housekeeping:

  1. This is not the netlist, this is related to symbol fields. The netlist is for electrical connections.
  2. It’s much easier for us if you temporarily set your GUI to English when making screenshots.

For the rest. It looks like a bug in KiCad and this should simply not happen at all. I reproduced it and created as issue for it on gitlab:

HI Paulvdh
thank you for your reply, sorry for italian screen shot but i’m forgot to set in english

I have problem with Boom Generation
First of all I would like to specify that I have personalized the library, I have took the standard module and renamade with cvalue of the component, example R is not R but 4.7KΩ1%0402, and so no for all component, so do not need to reannotate all components at the end.
Every component have the following field
data sheet
JLCPCB CODE ( i made prototype to JLCPCB )
I have tools for JLCPCB production but in the netlist is not possible to se the code so prefer to using the Kicad Bill of material generator.
So when I go to generate the Boom I have immediately all field in my interest.
The problem is that if I have different name, example
JLCPCB CODE without any space at the and and JLCPCB CODE with space at the end, Kicad consider different field and assign 2 field, I just make topic yesterday, this is not a problem because is easy to solve this issued, there are 2 colums, with copy and past is fast to do this.
the problem is that every time that I try to do the Bill of material generator if I exit from the program and reenter, Kicad make mistake and mix on the component fild othe field see picture, so need for each component make Update symbol form Library , and check, remove field not in library symbol , see pictures.

this schematic I have just clean before, than I have close Kicad and reenter.
before to clean all component with, update remove field not in library symbol , there are lot of field and different code per each component so was impossible to understand the right code, sorry I have just clean all schematic so do not have pictures for previuos situation

after make update from library the field are correct



Once you started mentioning field values, I just stopped reading. Your topic apparently has something to do with those field values or with BOM generation, but neither of those titles match the topic. As a result it gets too confusing too easily, and I have no interest in such topics.

sorry I’m confusing Netlist with Boom

This I think is the big mistake. You should never never change the format of the reference field, usually called the refdes. They should always be of the form of letters (usually one) followed by a unique number, e,g, R21. It’s how the software identifies symbols and their footprints in the project. (There is a UUID but we won’t go into that now.) If you want to store the value in the form you stated, you can create another field for this.

You will continue to fail if you don’t observe the rules concerning part fields.

PS: Perhaps you should read the documentation for a typical workflow to see how things are normally done. Here is the Italian version: Home | 8.0 | Italiano | Documentation | KiCad