Components boundary box and board offset

I am trying to get information from the components like the boundary box, and the board offset, typically in IDF format, that information is available

Do you know where can I get them?

You give too little information. I suppose you have gerber files because the post is in “Gerbers” category. Do you have a KiCad project from which you export gerbers and other data?

Thanks for you response, basically I am using the Demo projects on Kicad, but when I export the Gerber files, inside I am not seeing any information regarding the geometry of the component, like I said, would be great to add as comment the boundary box that is plotted in 3D viewer, and the board offset. that kind of data is available in other formats.
Is it possible to get that Data from Gerber files coming from Kicad

It’s possible to export File → Fabrication Outputs → Component Placement in Gerber format. The menu item has a bit misleading addition “.pos” because it was only .pos file previously, but at least v7 is able to choose Gerber format in the dialog. Is that good for you?

For reference, it uses Gerber x3 specification: Gerber X3 - Official Gerber Format Website (in the 2023-08 revision in section 6.9; see also and specifically seems to use the courtyard as the “boundary box”.

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