Components and wiring not snapping to the grid

Today I opend an existing schematic file for editing. Unfortunately, I found that suddenly the components are not snapping to the grid thus they also cannot be wired.
To illustrate my point, I have attached the schematic file herewith. Please refer to three components in segment (Coloumn 3, Row C).

I also noticed today that if I try to change the grid value by mouse click, KiCad shows a table of only about 7 grid values to choose from. If I a not mistaken, normally, there are about 20 (?) different grid values to choose from. I haven’t experienced such a strange behavior before in KiCad.

My assumption is that the problem is somehow related to the “short list display” of grid values to choose from. Is there a way to “reset” the grid?

Looking forward to your advise.
Thanks and best regards

201005 Timing & ACPR Logic.sch (41.7 KB) 201005 Timing & ACPR Logic-cache.lib (14.0 KB) KiCad Ver. Info.pdf (69.3 KB)

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