Component values on F.Silkscreen

I would like to have component values (eg 220k or 10nF) on my silkscreen, rather than component IDs (eg (R7 or C3).

I know I can change this for an individual component in the Footprint Properties window by selecting which parameter is shown on which layer, but is it possible to change this restrospectively for multiple components? eg All resistors or all selected components?

One way to do it is:

  1. Copy a library footprint to a project specific (or otherwise editable) library.
  2. Make sure the PCB and schematic (which is the reference / origin of data) uses this library.
  3. Modify the library footprint to add text on the silkscreen.
  4. Update the footprints on the PCB.

Another approach:

Many footprints have their values on a Fab layer. You can use PCB Editor / Edit / Edit Text and Graphics Properties to move the Value texts of footprints to another layer. The settings below should do it.

Do note you can *&^%$#@! your project with this dialog. It can change a lot of things with a few mouse clicks. You can undo these changes, but I recommend you make a backup before you start experimenting with this dialog. Or at least save your PCB first, (then you can use PCB Editor / File / Revert if *&^%$#@! happens.

Option 2 seemed to work a treat. (And I don’t think I’ve *&^%$#@!ed my project. :smiley:)

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