Component Text references (U1, R1, etc.) were moved in PCB editor but remain in previous location in 3D viewer


Give the version info: Help -> About -> Copy Version Information.

Sorry, I’m new to KiCad. it is 5.1.5-3, 64 bit, the latest I have just installed.

Use the About dialog and the Copy Version Info button and paste it here. It gives more information, without need to for you to think about it.

There’s that “Copy Version Info” button which copies text to the clipboard. But I think this is enough this time.

I haven’t KiCad behaving like that, except if you don’t activate the 3D window after making changes to the board. Does it update if you click the 3D window?

Both the white color and the double line around the IDC connector suggest that the first screenshot is from the FAB layer, and not from the silk screen.
Unless you have changed the default colors.

Or, the double box is from the courtyard and somethig else.

So please post a screenshot of the whole Pcbnew window (and try to make it small, around 800x600 pixels will be excellent.)

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SOLVED. I’m new to KiCad. Thank you for help.

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