Component Library Editor, component label not created (solved)

I am learning the Component Library Editor but did not get very far.

From “Getting Started in KiCad
6. Make schematic components in KiCad
6.1. Using Component Library Editor
Step 2 says:

From KiCad, start Eeschema, click on the Library Editor icon and click on the New component icon.
The Component Properties window will appear. Name the new component MYCONN3. Click OK.
At this point the component is only made of its labels…

The grid is empty, there is no label.
However, “MYCONN3” is on the tool bar drop down and it’s dimmed.
Where exactly is the label supposed to appear?

I don’t know which KiCAD version you are using. The stuff below should be true for KiCAD v4 (stable and nightlies)

After creating a new symbol the Value [ComponentName] and Reference [U?] fields are placed at the coordinate origin. (see screenshot below)

The stuff in [] tells you what i put into this fields when creating my test component for this screenshot.

I need to zoom in a bit. Otherwise it is quite hard to see.

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Unfortunately one can’t change the values of the Ref/Val fields in that field properties dialog, but you can adjust visibility and position.

Thank you all. All I had to do was zoom all the way in, just like Rene_Poschl said.
The new-component name was centered on the cross hairs.:blush: