Comment poster une question en français

Comment poster une question en français
D’avance merci pour vos réponses

You will get more replies if you include a translation in English. Using a web translation service is ok.

Vous obtiendrez plus de réponses si vous incluez une traduction en anglais. L’utilisation d’un service de traduction Web est acceptable.

thank you very much I will try

Posting in other languages then English is allowed, but discouraged on this forum, for at least 3 reasons:

  1. It severely limits the amount of people who know your language.
  2. Other people translating your post is duplication of work.
  3. Moderators have to check posts for spam and such, which is more difficult if posted in other languages.
  4. It’s appreciated if you show you put in some effort to translate it yourself.
  5. It interferes with search options for other people who are searching this forum to find their own answers.

It’s also getting easier to translate text. There are specialized websites, for example:

And there are also plugins / extensions for web browsers. Firefox also has built in translator tools these days, just by right clicking on text:

Which results in:

Thank you for all these details, I will try

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Si besoin je peux revoir ta traducation avant tes posts.

Merci pour ta proposition que je retiens