Coming out of the cupboard!

I’ve been using this programme, and lurking around this board, for a little while now.
I thought it’s about time I poked my head above the parapet and showed my avatar.
Congratulations to all involved with Kicad for an extremely good, easily understood programme. Rarely have I had to resort to that “finally, if all else fails, read the instructions” end.
Congratulations also to the members of this forum for their interest in the subject, patience towards newbies, civility, and humour.

And no, I don’t want anything;
and yes, I have no complaints, wishes, or suggestions for Kicad :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s a very negative thing, how can it be improved if it’s perfect?

Who mentioned “perfect”?
Hmmm…I should have qualified my last comment with an “at the moment”.

Finally somebody speaks up with only positives and we must have somebody find something negative in it :laughing:


Maybe he was channeling George Bernard Shaw :wink:


I should have added smileys, irony is dangerous in the internet…


These days, irony has been replaced with plasticky.

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This is way off topic but in Spain when you are asked for form of payment (by cashiers or vending machines) the choices are metálico and plástico.

This is way off topic but in Spain when you are asked for form of payment (by cashiers or vending machines) the choices are metálico and plástico.
plata o plomo?

Just giving everyone a false sense of security

Now which topic was that? :slightly_smiling_face:

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