Cloud based KiCad?

This is also an appropriate solution I agree with you…just on Dropbox or OneDrive and/or on similar don’t forget to use this for example: Boxcryptor Security for Your Cloud

Having worked for AWS as sysadmin for tons of years, I know what you can see from an open (not encrypted) S3, say… a lot :grinning:

Unfortunately, in our case yes, pls.

name one PCB/Curciut design system where this is not the case…
they are still on my desk, but why do I only use KiCAD? :slightly_smiling_face:

My sympathies. Fortunately I don’t have to work with anything but KiCad for ECAD. :wink:

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Having the files on your device only part of you control your data

Being able to use said data again is the other half of it :wink:

Dillinger works fine because it’s markdown and the entire world has reimplemented markdown and fragmented it a billion times now.
KiCad is very niche in the broader world, sure there can be another kicad_pcb, kicad_sch supporting editor and there are right now ones that support it, but perhaps not always will be. Who knows what the future holds.
At least with KiCad you get this nice binary that’ll work until the end of human civilization on the OS+machine it originally did.

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Sure, and of course you’d want the cloud based app to be open source like KiCad is, with an appropriate license that prevents hoarding enhancements, which was why the Affero GPL came about. If it’s derived from KiCad then it would have to be open source too.

Wait, this just came in on my crystal ball from the forum in year 2032: Hi, I’m still using KiCad 14, must I upgrade to KiCad 16? I like how it works and don’t want to change my habits. :rofl:

8 posts were split to a new topic: Solidworks PCB EOL- possible import

We actually once had a AGPL dependency that caused corporate donors to KiCad to balk because it meant they couldn’t use it themselves. Meaning we can’t go the AGPL route unless we want to start charging for KiCad to fund instead.

The other thing from experience, cloud/server apps are still not ideal here. A desktop app will just run out of the box after you install it. The user doesn’t need to be technically skilled. Self-hosting a cloud/server based app means you now need that skillset. Sure maybe someone takes up the task for hosting it for others but depending on the goodwill of others, not to mention IP protection concerns among others isn’t that good there.

Sure, the pendulum swings back and forth. Some might remember the hoopla over running Java apps everywhere but in the end it ended up as server side technology. So the browser as universal client dream has been scaled back to more interactivity and now there’s a distinct app for every task on your phone. So apps for desktops will be with us for a long time.

If it wasn’t already clear I don’t see a case for a cloud based KiCad in my lifetime but then I won’t live forever. :wink:

My experience using VDI’s for other software has always been less than pleasant. Clunky, barely works, etc. granted, it has been probably 3 years since I tried so maybe the tech is way better now.

But if cloud based were made an option, not a requirement, then how would it affect you? Just don’t turn it on, and use KiCad like you always do.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that it be a cloud-only thing. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I totally understand the $$ aspect. Makes sense that it wouldn’t be a viable thing to implement because of financial concerns.
What I’m not understanding is it seems some of the comments are assuming that the question I posed (as the OP) somehow implied that hypothetically developing a cloud based KiCad would make its use instantly be mandatory. As I replied to another poster, if it were ever something that was developed, couldn’t it simply be an option? If someone is appalled by cloud based software, they could just keep that option turned off and continue using it like they always have.

Technically? Yes

Realistically? No, why would someone put all that effort in and then maintain two different versions, the cloud version and the non-cloud version? Someone would need to be paying a lot of money for that to ever happen…

Well it greatly depends on the quality of your internet.

Anyway, i think the two people editing at same time, if each person is in their own block. could be made possible by a version control system. This would also handle the file syncing across network… All we really need is version control hooks in file menu…

Hmmm, pls. don’t forget it always starts that way and ends up with you in front of a cloud thing in a few years :wink:

BTW: I worked with AutoCAD R10 under DOS, I saw how it turned out…
(I do not mean this with bad intentions)

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In my understanding, a cloud solution for kicad is not the work of an application in a browser or on an organization’s server … But the ability of a group of engineers to track changes in a project in parts with general synchronization, this also applies to libraries … A certain weaver online and version control of changes

Syncthing works really well to keep files in sync between two computers – I highly recommend it. It has replaced dropbox for most of my needs. You can still use Git in parallel to backup and version the files, or collaborate with others, but it is no longer necessary to git commit/pull when moving between machines.

An option! I would suggest that cloud based, multiple user access would be the domain solely of business. Why not make that type of option a paid for service to supplement the coffers of the development team. It’s not NEEDED by the vast majority of individuals using KiCAD.

In theory fine option, but in practice it eats up development resources. So for example in exchange of having this feature in 3 years. Are you wiling to have no bug fixes and no upgrades on KiCad?

So nothing stops you from making a project that does this, you can then put your effort towards this and try to get others onboard. This way the main project does not suffer any delays, but your project also has minimal resources.

The primary problems with this kind of work is that programmers enjoy solving problems not translating code. So it can be hard to find people willing to do this. AI perhaps?

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Because we, the development team, don’t have an entire staff of web developers, sysadmins, and more needed to competently run a cloud service? Offering “free” offerings of cloud software only works for software that is already web/browser/server based.

It will essentially end up becoming an entirely new program with no relation to kicad anyway. At that point, why not just buy Altium 365 or Fusion 360 subscriptions :stuck_out_tongue:


The lceda is such a product. You can use their cloud service or run your own. It is said that Huawei is using this product. But I personally prefer Kicad.
lceda is also known as EasyEDA, which was started by a Chinese university teacher in 2011: