Close through-hole holes in step files

I have a board that has a through hole component and some mounting holes.
I want to 3d print this, but the holes for the parts mess up the 3d print of the component that goes through the hole, because they’re not actually touching.

I can’t fill all holes, because that would get rid of the mounting holes, which I want to keep, but I would like to fill in the holes for the THT components so the components are really nailed to the print.

Here’s a pic to show the difference/issue:

I’m using FreeCAD to post-process the step file output of the board from KiCad…Does anyone have a workflow for dealing with something like this?

Very Easy to do… and can add features in addition to closing holes…

Demo shows only closing Hole’s

Doesn’t matter how you get the STEP file, I show loading PCB with StepUp Workbench then, Exporting the STEP but, I could have exported the STEP from Kicad and used it… (or could grab a STEP from anywhere…)

Awesome, this works, thanks!