Clearance in component library, not in PCB

Is it possible to change the track clearance value of a component footprint in the library of the said component footprint ?
To my knowledge, it is only possible to change the clearance for a component in the PCB (right click on the component footprint in the PCB then “property”), which works well. But when running “Update PCB from schematics” the component clearance is reset to its default (footprint library) value. This is annoying.
Is there another way to modify the component clearance at the library level and not at the PCB level ?
Version is 7.07 on a Mac.

The pad clearance is available in the footprint editor as well as in the layout editor in the same properties dialog. Even each pad has its own property. The footprint properties dialog can be opened from a toolbar button or from File menu in the footprint editor.

Ok, got it.
Thanks for your prompt answer.

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