I made several layouts using circular array of a segment & created neat coils. First I draw a segment of known length, then select circular array. Give the center coords, angle to rotate( computed from s=ra) the number of items.
Until last night, it all worked like a charm.
This morning, all hell broke loose.
#1 for another set of coils, I entered the exact same center of the array: the program totally misinterprets it & draws the segments in a circle that is the not the coords entered.
#2 while the previous work rotated the segments to join end to end thus forming a contiguous set around the circle with center coords as entered, the array drawn this morning rotates the segments off the vertical.
It would seem that the program finds 2 points on the canvass having the same coordinates!!!
One it uses this morning is NOT the one I see in the bottom line on the center I entered!!!
I fear something gone wrong in the installation. But before I bring about more catastrophe by reinstalling, any one can help fix it?
I am on total hold for my pcb due this week…