Choose layout when add buried via in OpenGL

I’am working on KiCad with 4 layout. I can use buried via and chose the layout that I want to switch, but only on default view. On OpenGL view I can add buried via but I can’t choose witch layout to switch. It keep the previews layout chose on default view. I don’t find a way to add buried via and switch between layout.

It’s that possible on KiCad on OpenGL view? Or it’s only possible on default view.

Thank you,

Do you mean ‘layer’ when you say ‘layout’?
… the term ‘layout’ is “reserved” for the whole thing that you do/get/see in PCBnew (outline+tracks+footprints+etc).

As for buried vias in a 4-layer pcb… wouldn’t a choice make no sense there, as ‘buried’ means they are not connected to the top or bottom-layers? Or do I miss something here?


Yes I mean layer.
A buried via can also be used between that top layer and the 3th layer or between top layer and 2nd layer or between the 2nd and the 3th layer.

Maybe I’m wrong but I sow PCBs with this kind of via.

Hm… I wonder how they plate/deposit copper for a one sided closed via then… must be a pretty complicated or expensive process?

A type of multi-layer board fabrication technology is call Build-up technology, where layers are added one after the other.
But I think you are right, it must be more expensive.

Layers are added in pairs in normal pcb manufactureor

It’s true.
Anyhow when I root on KiCad for exemple I can go from bottom layer and add a blind via to layer 3 but then if I need to place a buried via from 3 to 2 layer it’s not working on OpenGL view. I need to pass on default view, which allow the possibility to choose the layer.
I think this feature is not implemented on OpenGl view which is shame because routing in OpenGL view is much better that the others views.
In fact I don’t understand way is multiple view with different features and not just one like other software with all the features.

That is clear - afaik they build them up from the center core and add layers symmetrically to the ‘front’/‘back’ at the same time… so you get 2,4,6,8,…
So I can understand that symmetrical blind/buried vias aren’t a problem (as one has to get copper into those holes with some sort of galvanic process) and having through holes for that must be pretty ‘easy’.
I just think that having one side of those layers that is added closed will make it more complicated/error prone and thus expensive…

Legacy Canvas is the old, obsolete one and doesn’t get new features anymore, just kept alive.
OpenGL Canvas is the new and going forward will replace the Legacy Canvas. As soon as it’s stable and got all features deemed necessary for KiCAD it will be the default I think.
Cairo must be for some fringe/compatibility cases and runs as a sidekick.

PCBnew got a refurbishment treatment a while back (12 months) and the next on the list is EEschema (which still runs the Legacy Canvas)… once the devs have converted and refurbished EEschema so that it also runs on OpenGL the Legacy one will probably dropped (at best just kept working, but no new features).

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Aaa…ok now I understand better.
Thank you for infos.