Changing pad dimensions dynamically (hierarchically?)

Hi all, first time posting. I’m curious if KiCad has any feature where I can change footprint/via dimensions dynamically. E.g. if I design a 2mm x 3mm pad and place 100 of them in my design, and later decide that I want 2.5mm x 3mm pads instead, I’d like to be able to make that change and have it cascade throughout my design without having to go through and manually replace all the pads. Does anyone know how to do this?


You can do it with python scripting.

Yes it is possible.

In first place you must define the via of your choice at Board-setup -> Tracks and vias with the add button.

Then go to Edit->Edit track and via properties and select the new size.

The desired size can be reset for all the nets or for a specific netclass.

Edit: for a THT pad I guess you should change the footprint with the footprint editor or use a script. Be aware that changing the pad sizes at layout level is risky since any further update of the footprints will overwrite those changes.

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Thank you, the vias work just fine, but when I change the dimensions of a footprint in the footprint editor, it doesn’t change those footprints in PCBnew. I’m not much of a programmer, so the scripting solution is a bit beyond me. :frowning:

After editing footprint in the library you need to go to Tools->Update Footprints from Library... in pcbnew.


Thanks! I think that resized the pads, but it also moved them to different locations for some reason. I’ll see if I can figure out what I did wrong.

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