Changing colour schemes

I have been experimenting with different colour schemes and recently found this repo with ones that I like. How do I install themes from here? Pre v8 I had installed them but I now do not remember how I did that. Also there is a color scheme shown for pcbnew on the main KiCad website. How do I get this specific colour scheme?

Some information here:

Install color themes:

You can select different color themes for symbol editor, schematic, etc. Just select the appropiate editor and then choose the color theme.

Example: select the color theme in schematic

Edit: You can add more themes downloading them in .zip and installing them:

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Thanks. I am aware of how to change the colors. The install from file is a helpful tip. I hadn’t noticed that. I compressed one of the theme folders and tried adding them as a file, however this led to an error. I finally opened the packages directory and copied these the color folders there. Not all of them work but the ones I wanted do work.

У меня версия 8.0.8. Я не могу изменить цвета. В версии 5.1.12 все получалось. А здесь при изменении в настройках они изменяются, а по факту, на рабочем столе, они остаются прежними. Система Windows 11.
I have version 8.0.8. I can’t change the colors. In version 5.1.12 everything worked. But here when changing the settings they change, but in fact, on the desktop, they remain the same. The Windows 11 system.

In PCB editor:

1- Original color: “Kicad Default”:

2- Preferences → Preferences (or “Ctrl+,”). I select “Witch Hazel” in PCB Editor->Colors. I press “ok”

3- New color: