Change the sheet ID in schematics


I would like to know if there is a way to change the schematics ID in Kicad.
I allays create a root page and then all hierarchal sheets in that.
I want to print them out in a special order, ideally as they placed on the root sheet. But if I could renumber the pages, that would be great, for example make sheet 3/4 to sheet 2/4.
I am using 4.0.2.

Thanks in advance…

The only way I know of is to use a text editor and edit the “root”.sch file and the change the order of the sheets. Each sheet has a start tag of “$Sheet” and an end tag of “$EndSheet”. The F0 field is the name of the sheet, F1 is the file name.

Edit: That was supposed to say … edit the “root”.sch file …

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Thank you for the hint. I have solved this now as follow:

  1. Change the Line wich contains “Sheet 2 4” in all *.sch and *.bak files to the wanted values, but there was no affect.
  2. Change in the root schematic (and in the associated bak file) the order in which the hierarchical schematic pages appear to the wanted order. In my case as follow:

S 2500 7300 1200 2000
U 5837B99D
F0 “sensors” 79
F1 “sensors.sch” 79
S 4000 7300 1200 2000
U 5834516E
F0 “psoc” 79
F1 “psoc.sch” 79
S 5500 7300 1300 2000
U 5832A88A
F0 “power” 79
F1 “power.sch” 79

This helps and works fine for me as I don’t need it too often.


Many thanks! Worked on Kicad 5 too!