Change mouse wheel zoom amount

Is there a way to alter the zoom change per mouse wheel increment in Eeschema and Pcbnew? It’s too high currently and I’ve failed to find a setting. In Windows Settings I can change the mouse wheel sensitivity (“Choose how many lines to scroll each time”) to the minimum which helps, but the jumps in zoom as I turn the wheel is still too large.

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Short answer: No.
And some more characteres.

Some mice have driver software that configures the mouse operation based upon the program that is actively running.

I was afraid of that. I guess it’s a new feature request then.

Thanks, but the mouse driver is already set to report to KiCad/Eeschema/Pcbnew the minimum logical mouse wheel delta per physical wheel movement. KiCad’s zoom delta per logical mouse wheel delta is just too large.

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In PcbNew, in the second menu bar, there is dropdown, that with a mouse scroll becomes, labeled “Zoom Auto”.

Can you click that dropdown and provide a screen grab of the values in that menu?

Sorry, I’ve been gone on vacation. Here’s the screen grab:


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